Sunday, September 19, 2010

life, time and priorities

the interesting codependency of life and priorities within time struck me earlier, we structure our lives based on our priorities, which in turn change due to our lives. one example (if you will pardon my horrible stereotyping) woman wants career, cool, structures her life around said priority, also cool, reaches a point in her life where the fact that she has not yet had children becomes a concern, becoming a mother is then the new priority which leads to the career being scaled back to accommodate. now obviously this specific case is an obscene generalisation but it does serve to illustrate the way in which what we want in life and how we behave to get it can in fact be conflicting due to their codependency, if we find a specific interest which we could then know to be our real lifes goal, and tailor our lives towards that, well that would be splendid, but due to the changeable nature of our priorities, the decisions we make with our lives, can in fact serve to hamper our achievements later in life. another example (purely because it occurred to me :P) a young person wants to be in a rock group, and chooses to get a number of tattoos and piercings which are fully in keeping with that desire, a few years pass, they gain a qualification in their chosen academic field, and begin going to job interviews. strangely in a professional environment people who have tattoos and piercings can be seen as less mature, thus someones past desires hinder them in their future endeavors. with our environment constantly changing and us changing with it, every moment holds an intrinsic opportunity or choice (using the word for want of a better one despite my obviously fatalistic tendencies) which could allow that moment to dramatically impact on any future aims or desires (maybe you saw a man in a suit with a nose ring and laughed to yourself right before deciding that you wouldnt get your own piercings?). conclusively, dont blink, because you never know what that moment you missed might have meant for your future.

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