Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Trust, friendship, truth and honesty

The above are, near universally, considered very important, and perhaps even necessary, in any relationship (relationship being interactions between people rather than describing a specific romantic attachment); and yet they can very easily conflict with each other within a relationship (rather than within an individual). The most obvious example would be between honesty and truth, one person can express information gained from another source with perfect honesty and belief, which is never the less known to be untrue. Similarly being honest and admitting a past transgression can break a trust, despite the intuitively complimentary natures of honesty and trust, the can in fact break each other. 

Now sadly my abilities as a linguist, poet or even basic wordsmith are rather limited (refer to my lovely absence of full stopes for further confirmation) however with the horribly deficient tools at my disposal I will attempt to explore at least some of the above concepts. Trust, is that simply an expectation of honesty which is reflective of given morals? I trust that 1+1=2, similarly I trust that my friends will not spread heinous rumours about me, seems quite simple, and yet... certainly we all see flaws in our friends, some people are gossips, some people have tendencies to perhaps embellish somewhat on the truth, yet we can so often still naively believe that they will act against their nature in the context of your friendship with them, even knowing they do not with others (note, that thought isn’t going anywhere, I just kinda wrote it down anyway).

To redefine the prior concepts, how does this relationship seem?
Trust = true if, honesty = truth
Then if true
Friendship = trust if truth = morally acceptable behaviour
I think that works doesn’t it? If we can trust someone to do the right thing, we are their friend? That is obviously a surface evaluation of a complex problem, with different levels involved in all variables which could potentially change the values, but from the above it can seemingly be concluded that friendship is a simple and easily solved equation, and chances are that most people are in fact worthy of friendship from any given individual based on the general overlap of morals in society. The conclusion I must then come to, is that as individuals we misinterpret information to change the variables when creating imbalances in this equation, the easiest mistakes to make are obviously in the honesty = truth segment, if you trust more than one person, and those people have different sources of information on a given topic, they will both honestly give you opinions they see as true but which may be inconsistent..... I’m sure we see where this is going. Friendships are fragile, ultimately I believe we can reduce this equation further. If you care about someone, then it basically just doesn’t matter, we will get emotionally biased, ignore the facts, and make snap judgements.

So where does this leave the concepts of truth honesty friendship and trust? We might say we need them all, but at the end of the day any and all of them are only going to be applied when we emotionally want them to be, we will ignore the facts when it suits us, and ultimately we are all more fallible than we might like to think.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

life, time and priorities

the interesting codependency of life and priorities within time struck me earlier, we structure our lives based on our priorities, which in turn change due to our lives. one example (if you will pardon my horrible stereotyping) woman wants career, cool, structures her life around said priority, also cool, reaches a point in her life where the fact that she has not yet had children becomes a concern, becoming a mother is then the new priority which leads to the career being scaled back to accommodate. now obviously this specific case is an obscene generalisation but it does serve to illustrate the way in which what we want in life and how we behave to get it can in fact be conflicting due to their codependency, if we find a specific interest which we could then know to be our real lifes goal, and tailor our lives towards that, well that would be splendid, but due to the changeable nature of our priorities, the decisions we make with our lives, can in fact serve to hamper our achievements later in life. another example (purely because it occurred to me :P) a young person wants to be in a rock group, and chooses to get a number of tattoos and piercings which are fully in keeping with that desire, a few years pass, they gain a qualification in their chosen academic field, and begin going to job interviews. strangely in a professional environment people who have tattoos and piercings can be seen as less mature, thus someones past desires hinder them in their future endeavors. with our environment constantly changing and us changing with it, every moment holds an intrinsic opportunity or choice (using the word for want of a better one despite my obviously fatalistic tendencies) which could allow that moment to dramatically impact on any future aims or desires (maybe you saw a man in a suit with a nose ring and laughed to yourself right before deciding that you wouldnt get your own piercings?). conclusively, dont blink, because you never know what that moment you missed might have meant for your future.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Incriminating Stains

not necessarily physical stains, but like, residue. think about people, how easily identifiable everyones actions are, the undeniable incriminating stains that people leave in their wake. its fascinating really, how easily one can evaluate the roots of someones behavior. we all like to think we are very deep complex and unpredictable, but we just so arent lol, like, even if i were trying to blog anonymously for example, i think its reasonable to say that people who know me would very likely be able to recognise me through the retarded pretentious nature of this writing. yeah.... thats really all thats on my mind, just the ways different people behave and how easy it is to see through to what they are really doing... if that makes any sense to anyone bothering to read this :P anyway, night all.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


anyone else notice that things we all find entertaining are kinda always at the very least hypothetically uncomfortable for someone else? only real notable exception being sex? although even then i spose there are all those potentially nasty side effects, STI's and what-have-you, kinda makes you wonder about the state of the world that in order to relieve our own boredom we look at other peoples misery... which brings me to my next point :P my blog is really rather difficult to write, and i think im figuring out why, no one really cares about life if its going well lol, and i have literally no complaints :) im obscenely happy, i mean, who wants to read about that lol? which causes me to attempt to write horribly pretentiously about things that actually have wider relevance than my own troubles, or just saying random shit that pops into my head, equally valid i suppose lol.

well thats kinda the end of my thought, again, no drama means very little to really write about lol, so night all and im sure i shall return soon!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday night

so im sitting on the couch waiting to go pick my little sister up from a party..... thats not sad and pathetic.... is it? ive actually loved this evening lol, had the house 2 myself, watched bad tv, sat by the fire wasting time on the internet... life could be so much worse :P

hmmmm anything remotely relevant i could talk about.... project runway is way to addictive? not really relevant lol, but it is true.... ok heres a thought, i find it truly shocking how busy some people are, not just at different moments, but through their entire lives. some people are just always busy, i personally love sitting around, doing absolutely nothing, just chilling and trying to slow down and appreciate whats going on, i think a lot of people miss that. whats the point of it all, work, school or whatever, if you dont take the time to enjoy it?

short blog today then it seems, the fire needs my attention, and as living simply seems to be the theme in this post, i shall go and tend to those more rudimentary needs.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nothing to do, but blog

'Tis a truly sad state of afairs, i have nothing better to do at this moment than blog (assignments excluded) sadly this forces me to consider what is on my mind, so that i can, with any luck, translate it into this medium. One point of interest in my life at the moment is nature, its so interesting to be able to apply physical principles to the world around you, recognising exponential decay, or understanding the magnetic relations between objects, i find that the knowledge i am gaining adds a new dimension to life and allows for an additional layer of understanding.

Had an infuriating discussion about pascals wager this week, for anyone unfamiliar with the idea, pascal suggested that it is in everyones best interests to believe in god, as if youre right, youre safe, and if youre wrong it doesnt matter; conversely if you are incorrect in disbelieving god then you may be punished. This statement i found reasonably easy to refute in and of itself, however it is not the suggestion but the idea of beliefs of convenience which i found most frustrating. Beliefs and faith are different things, faith is belief without justification, since when is that a good thing? religious people prattle on about faith as if it is something we should all aspire towards, having faith is an inherently good thing? sorry, but no, having faith is, in a word, idiotic. Obviously one should always keep an open mind, as nothing is ever truly irrefutably correct, therefore holding any belief, irrefutably, is pure ignorance. (no insult intended)

Hmmm, what else to rant and rave about.... been feeling a little under the weather for the last couple of weeks, if anyone cares :P not getting enough sleep, for this i blame idealist i sleep much better when you are around, my conclusion is, therefore, that you arent here enough lol, makes sense yes?

That might do for tonight, terribly sorry for anyone who bothered to read this rather uneventful post, hope it at least helped you kill some time.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Procrastination, one of my more productive pass times

title isnt even a joke, i can get so much done if im meant to be doing something else lol! like cleaning my room or going to the gym if i have an assignment, only time i get things done is to avoid doing other things. tonight is not the best example, as i am now writing when the only thing im putting off is sleep, seems rather silly to me, and yet here i am.

but anyway, today has been rather enjoyable, idealist is one step closer to her license which is nice, much as i enjoy driving it will be nice to share the load, had a nice chat with a guy in game while she was sitting the test, apparently starcraft 2 is good? wouldnt really know but hey, something to look into for anyone so inclined. think i might be coming down with something, feel really lethargic atm, although it could just be symptomatic of taking an interest in politics, for the record i dont understand how they take so long to not answer questions, its exhausting to watch. hmmmmm what else.... think i got through today without wanting to murder fierce which is refreshing, never understood why matricide is so harshly punished, but given im trying to avoid it :P dentists appointment tomorrow morning, means im waking up very early given i dont have uni til 11, sigh, can already tell you what they will say "floss more" but hey, lets waste an hour (Y)

had a really good discussion the other day about the nature of poetry (yes i am that pretentious) current conclusion is as follows: if the first thing you do is try and analyse the poetry, or even to understand it, then you have already missed the greatest part of its beauty, while the meaning and structure can have their own attractions of form and substance, the initial feeling of a poem, the opulent nature of writing so purely for enjoyment, that is where the real beauty is, and that i feel, is reduced dramatically once you divert your attention to attempt to interpret the writing.

that will do for tonight, the bed calls to me, i can resist its sweet call no longer.