Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nothing to do, but blog

'Tis a truly sad state of afairs, i have nothing better to do at this moment than blog (assignments excluded) sadly this forces me to consider what is on my mind, so that i can, with any luck, translate it into this medium. One point of interest in my life at the moment is nature, its so interesting to be able to apply physical principles to the world around you, recognising exponential decay, or understanding the magnetic relations between objects, i find that the knowledge i am gaining adds a new dimension to life and allows for an additional layer of understanding.

Had an infuriating discussion about pascals wager this week, for anyone unfamiliar with the idea, pascal suggested that it is in everyones best interests to believe in god, as if youre right, youre safe, and if youre wrong it doesnt matter; conversely if you are incorrect in disbelieving god then you may be punished. This statement i found reasonably easy to refute in and of itself, however it is not the suggestion but the idea of beliefs of convenience which i found most frustrating. Beliefs and faith are different things, faith is belief without justification, since when is that a good thing? religious people prattle on about faith as if it is something we should all aspire towards, having faith is an inherently good thing? sorry, but no, having faith is, in a word, idiotic. Obviously one should always keep an open mind, as nothing is ever truly irrefutably correct, therefore holding any belief, irrefutably, is pure ignorance. (no insult intended)

Hmmm, what else to rant and rave about.... been feeling a little under the weather for the last couple of weeks, if anyone cares :P not getting enough sleep, for this i blame idealist i sleep much better when you are around, my conclusion is, therefore, that you arent here enough lol, makes sense yes?

That might do for tonight, terribly sorry for anyone who bothered to read this rather uneventful post, hope it at least helped you kill some time.


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